A hidden history of humanity
By Danusa Aras
In the past, Jaime Maussan caused a stir in the world press when he presented scientific evidence of the authenticity of the mummies found in Nazca in 2017. The demonstration took place on November 7th during a public hearing on UFOs in the Mexican Congress and was attended by Mexican Navy forensic doctor Dr. José Salce Benítez and geneticist biologist Dr. Ricardo Rangel Martinez.
DNA tests were presented, which resulted in the mapping of 30% of genetic material completely unknown to humanity. The genetic compatibility of these beings with humans was estimated at 15%, after disregarding the contamination of human DNA during the handling of the species. It is worth noting that the genetic compatibility between insects and humans is 70%. Microscopic, macroscopic, histological and anthropological analyses were also performed; in addition to x-rays, fluoroscopy, computed tomography, among others. Furthermore, on the 19th of the same month, live tests were performed on the mummy Clara inside a hospital in Mexico, which was attended by medical specialists and a notary, who attested to the veracity of the tests performed. Clara is one of the gestating specimens and her three eggs proved to be organic and not stones, as had been alleged by the deniers.
However, several opponents of the case have emerged worldwide. The first claim was that they were dolls made from animal bone remains, a common funeral practice in the region. However, it is possible to see, as shown in the illustration below, that they are completely different categories; the dolls used for ritualistic purposes measure a maximum of 30 cm and are grotesquely disproportionate, while the Nazca mummies measure 60 cm and even have an auric ratio, a standard of perfection observed in nature. We can reach this conclusion with just a simple comparative image, but scientific rigor demands something more than that: medical examinations must also be carried out, and they were. Starting with X-rays...
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